Saturday, October 10, 2009
8:53 p.m.
7 pounds, 0 ounces
20" long
Long fingers
Long skinny feet
A lot of beautiful, soft, dark hair...
Dimples-like her daddy...
Labor & Delivery Experience:
I entered the hospital at 1:00 a.m. on Saturday, because my water had broke while in bed. I swear it was really because we had just went to see "Couples Retreat" and I laughed a whole bunch! Both Avery and I were cool as a cucumber. My brother, Korey was living with us and he was more in a panic than we were. haha:) When we got to the hospital, we actually had to wait about 20 minutes because they were sooooo busy! Evidently everyone wanted to be born! It is so like Londynn to want to be Miss Social..and join the "birthing" party!
My experience was great!! The nursing staff was probably what made it for me! They were oh so sweet and encouraging throughout the entire process! I did get an epidural, of course! I DO NOT understand why people would not get one?! It is seriously the difference between heaven and my opinion. I had a hard time dilating on pitocin, and after hours of no real change (only dilating to a "3" on my own) I got the epidural...and it was a fast pace to delivery! So fast that I had to wait for my on-call Dr. to arrive! I chose to watch my baby girl be brought into this watching the whole thing through a mirror. It was the coolest thing ever, and I highly recommend it! Although Avery and my Mom tried to talk me out of it, I was so glad I did. In fact, Mom even watched too (she swore she wasn't going to...and didn't understand why in the world I wanted to.) Avery stuck to his guns and didn't look! LOL :) Within only 5 pushes...Londynn Reese Shine was here!
She immediately was put onto my chest and it was THE most beautiful moment ever! We looked into each other's eyes and I bawled! I will cherish that moment forever! My heart melted as I felt her little spirit go through mine!
My recovery was also pain and was back to myself very quickly! Overall, I was blessed with an amazing pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum experience! Many thanks to God..for he is good ALL the time!
People say she looks exactly like her momma! What do you think?

Londynn's Hospital Picture

BreAnna's Hospital Picture